Essential Components of an Effective Home Security System

By September 5, 2019Security Services
Closeup on woman's finger entering code into the keypad of the alarm system and activates the alarm

Security has become an essential component in modern homes. According to estimates, almost 10 million property crimes are committed each year. As a homeowner, it is imperative for you to keep your home safe with an effective home security system. There is nothing more important to most of us than our own family. We should keep them safe by installing home security devices which can help to prevent lawless Individuals from violating our private space and property.

In order for a home security system installation to work seamlessly, it should be comprised of different components which work together to keep your home and family safe from threats.

Here are the essential components that make up an effective home security system:

Motion Sensors

Motion sensors are a must for all home security systems. They can be utilized for many purposes including turning indoor and outdoor lights on, setting off alarms, activating cameras and many more. Their adaptability to a lot of applications makes motion sensors an integral  part of many home security systems devices.


Security cameras aren’t just intended for monitoring or recording what’s going on in your home or yard. They also act as a deterrent against criminals. Most modern cameras even allow you to monitor your indoor and outdoor security cameras remotely with a smartphone or tablet. Cover a large portion of home security needs by making  home security camera installation a security priority.

Glass Break Detectors

As its name implies, a glass break detector detects the frequency of the sound of broken or shattered glass which prompts it to set off an alarm. This should tell you someone is trying to enter your home by breaking glass windows or doors. Glass break detectors are inexpensive yet helpful security components every homeowner should invest in to boost their security.

Door and Window Sensors

This is an affordable home security device that works effectively! Door and window sensors are designed to detect the opening and closing of doors or windows they are attached to. This device uses two sensors – one is attached to the door or window and the other attached to the frame. The sensors form a closed circuit when the door or window is closed, but once it is opened, the circuit breaks and sets off an alarm.

Signs and Stickers

This is a part of a home security system many homeowners overlook or even underestimate. If you have a burglar alarm or home security system installed in your place, you should place signs in conspicuous places like windows and other entry points as a warning your home is fitted with a home security system. This will deter would-be burglars and bad elements from attempting to enter your home.

Smoke Detectors

Most modern home security systems include smoke detectors as a part of their package. If you already have a home security system yet smoke detectors are not part of it, you may upgrade it by having smart smoke detectors installed..

Carbon Monoxide Detector

Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas which is difficult to sense without a detector. This safety device is not as common in homes as smoke detectors, but they can be equally important especially in kitchens with gas-fired ranges and other places where carbon monoxide is present.


Deter unscrupulous individuals from committing a crime on your property, and monitor your home remotely to ensure that your loved ones and belongings are safe. Get a reliable home security system installation from Belcastro Security Services and reward yourself with priceless peace of mind.

Contact us at (720) 319-0992 to discuss any of your security concerns.


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